Saturday, June 30, 2018

Reunion Bound - Check Back Next Week!

So, initially I'd intended on writing things in advance like I normally do, but this migraine is pretty much killing me and I just can't focus right now. My apologies, but that's the truth.
After Keith's play we'll be heading out to our family reunion for the weekend and then I plan on taking a day off to relax and then, well, it's the 4th of July so YAY! Enjoy your weekend and I'll catch you back here next week.


Read This: Retta's New Book

Can I just tell you how much I LOVE Retta? Like, ever since she broke out on Parks & Rec as the hilarious Donna, I've wanted us to be besties.
And, really, the best part about her book is that she's talking to you as though you were her bestie. It's amazing. I love her.
I also can't put this book down and highly recommend it. Check it out if you get a chance!

Pinky's Fandance - Richard Blade

As someone who grew up listening to Richard Blade's delicious accent and voice on the radio (and Girls Just Want To Have Fun, the movie), it thrills me to no end that I've been able to meet him a few times. 
Also, he just happens to be super cool and friendly! Like, above and beyond cool. Always happy, always a big smile on his face. I love him. Let's just pretend I have a neck in this picture. Why was my posture so wonky???

Migraine, Migraine, Go Away....

Not only am I still wiped out from all the travel (and more to come!), I've had a migraine pretty much since I got some from Colorado.
This one is a pretty nasty one, complete with nausea and neverending pain.
None of my tricks are working. I feel like it might never go away. :(

Celebrity Wrap Up - Sunday Edition

Hello and welcome to Sunday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Wow. That's a lot of blue.
As someone who used to watch their show religiously, seeing them together made me smile.
Paz, sweetie, your haircut is a world of no.
I love when redheads dare to wear red.
Oh, holy hell. NO NO NO NO NO. Are those napkins??

Cutest. Phone. Case. Ever.

Here's the thing: I LOVE my iPhone. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. However, I also have a tendency to drop it on a regular basis (I'm not proud of this fact, but it's the truth). Because of this, I've taken to always using an Otterbox case which keeps my iPhone protected. The problem? They're durable and strong, but not necessarily cute.
What I really wanted was a case that had pink glitter, but usually those are flimsy and break by just looking at them. So, I had to keep using my boring dependable case because that was the grown up thing to do. But then at Denver Comic Con, I was handed a phone that had a glitter case AND was durable! Say it wasn't so! Luckily the fan sent me the information and I was able to order one for myself. I LOVE it! Now I can stare at the beautiful pink hearts and glitter anytime I want. Score!

Pinky's Fandance - Amy Jo Johnson

I've wanted to meet Amy Jo Johnson FOREVER so I was thrilled she was going to be a guest at Denver Comic Con!
Ever since she was on Felicity a million years ago, I've wanted to meet her. Oh, and she just happened to be the PINK Power Ranger! I don't know why I'm doing such a stupid pose, but just pretend it's cute.

Rent This: Love, Simon

For what seems like ever, I've been hearing about how good Love, Simon is. I've totally wanted to see it, just hadn't found the time. However, now that it's on Redbox, it's a lot easier to see!
I'm already a huge fan of Nick Robinson from watching him on Everything, Everything, so I already knew I was going to enjoy watching pretty much anything else he did. Love, Simon is a sweet coming-of-age movie that deals with a closeted gay teen coming out to his friends and family and being accepted. Of course, I related to his best girl friend WAY too much as I definitely always found myself falling for good friends (who were also gay) growing up, but still. It's a great movie and the supporting cast is fantastic. Check it out if you get a chance!

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition

Hello and welcome to Saturday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Love Elisabeth, but really prefer her as a brunette. That color does nothing for her complexion.
Now, Garrett's style, on the other hand, is hot stuff!
Why does Ben look so rough?
Not sure why she's covering her stomach when what she should be covering up is that horrible top.
Jackets are not shirts!

Denver Comic Con - Day Three

Actually, before we get to the last day of the convention, we should talk about dinner on Saturday night.
We met up with some people Keith worked with when he was younger and we had a yummy meal at Outback (my favorite!).
This girl's outfit was super cute. Look at those shoes!
This family was dressed up as characters from the movie Grease. They had a little girl who really was the cutest thing about the look, but she wouldn't let me take a picture of her. Boo.
Cheesy part two.
This is hard to see, but this was a pack of Pac-Man ghosts being walked around by a few tiny little kids dressed up like Pac-Man. So. Cute.
How great is her dress?!!? Perfect!
Who knew that Bob Ross hung out with The Addams Family?
On our way to the airport we saw a rainbow - we thought that was a good sign! Thanks for everything, Denver!

Pinky's Fandance - DMC

While I had no idea he'd be a guest (since he was listed in the artist section of the website), I was so excited to see that DMC himself (you know, from that little known group called RUN DMC!!!!) was our table neighbor at the event.
What a nice guy! I loved watching him interact with fans. He took his time and really talked to everyone. It was awesome.

Denver Comic Con - Day Two

Day Two of the Denver Comic Con was INCREDIBLY busy! Non-stop activity all day long.
Look how cute my hubs was driving in.
This Thor cracked me up.
I loved how sweet this little boy was with his homemade costume.
This guy was Ted from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. 
This little sweetie made this drawing for Keith to sign. So adorable! She did a great job.
Jim Davis himself! And Garfield!
This was the book you had to buy in order to get a free picture with Jim Davis and Garfield. I couldn't buy it fast enough!
My friend's husband plays King Ezekiel on The Walking Dead. I loved seeing someone dressed us as his character. I'm sure it happens all the time, but it was the first time I'd ever seen it firsthand.
These fans printed out their pictures from the day before and brought them back for Keith to sign! Love it!
This little cutie was the biggest Adventures in Babysitting fan ever! He rattled off all the character names and just loved it so much. It was really adorable.
Calvin & Hobbes!
I'm not sure why he was rocking a floral hat and teapot (Mary Poppins Lightyear?), but I loved it.