Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Outlander FYC Panel

We were incredibly fortunate to get to attend the TV Academy Outlander reception and panel on Sunday afternoon. I was so excited I got all dressed up and curled my hair. Keith said I was curling my hair even more than I did for the Emmys (he may have a point). 
We deemed the event Outlander Prom, so of course we had to take a Prom photo. LOL.
Oh, and here's the Prom King himself, Sam Heughan. *pants*
After he'd gone down the line taking pictures with people, I had Keith snap pictures of my glee.
I loved being so close to him!
Please don't leave us, handsome, talented man.
A fellow guest snapped this picture of our picture being taken. I love it! Is it wrong that I love it more than the actual photo?
Outlander prom!
Technically, this counts as drinks with Sam, right?

They had great drinks!
My love...
My true love..getting his drink on....
The walls were gorgeous displays of scenes from the show. It was brilliant.
Atmosphere inside the panel.
The panel!
Unfortunately, I got sat behind this twat. Who wears such a high feather when he had to know people would be sitting behind him?!?!
Oh, apparently I was on the Outlander Instagram page. Pretend it's a cuter shot of me.

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