Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead UCLA Screening

So, not too long ago, Keith and I started getting tagged on Facebook repeatedly about a screening at UCLA of Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead. They were having a Q&A with the writer, but none of the cast.
I reached out to the person in charge and asked if we could attend. They were happy to have us, but said the Q&A was already set. OK, no problem. Would still be fun to see it on the big screen. 
On a side note, we saw this pink cone as we came up to the event. So cute!
Our reserved seat sign (yes, I'm a total nerd).  
When we arrived at the theater, they asked if Keith would like to join the Q&A. Of course he would!
I always love watching Keith do Q&As - look how confident he was on that stage!
It was a fun Q&A and the screening was well attended with some diehard fans.
Group selfie at the end with the writers of the film!

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