Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Best Pasta Around

Several months ago, I was craving fettucine alfredo. Not just any fettucine...GOOD fettucine. Which is sometimes hard to find. Sure, there's a lot of knock off kinds, but they're not always good. I wanted something really, really delicious.
Keith did some Google research and suggested I order from Two Guys from Italy...and I'm SO glad I did! Not only did I discover the best fettucine around, but the restaurant itself is a delight.
Up until this week, we'd only ordered it to be delivered a few times, but we'd never actually eaten at their restaurant. For our 52 month anniversary the other night (yes, you heard that correctly), we decided to try it and YUM!!! Wow.
Now, the fettucine is certainly a delight (and is SO filling you end up eating most of it for lunch the next day), but by far the best part about their offerings is the Two Guys Bread. OH MY DELICIOUS. You want to weep it's so good and I'm not even exaggerating.
Keith was especially pleased to see olive oil on every table...a must at an Italian restaurant!
See his delight in his meal?!!?! It was the best! We'll definitely be back.

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