Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Sephora Meet & Greet

As you probably know, my original Girl Crush has always been the lovely Miranda Kerr. 
When she started promoting that she'd be at Sephora on Sunday in Santa Monica, I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity to meet her.
Not knowing how early I should arrive, I played it safe and got there an hour and a half before they were scheduled to pass out the wristbands. Since they were only passing out 150 of them, I wanted to be sure I was one of those 150.
After a long wait and then another few hours before the actual photo, I finally got to meet Miranda! And she's even more beautiful in person. I laughed that our photo op was basically a huge ad for her products.
I tried to take a better picture with my camera, but it was a miserable failure.
Still, I was thrilled to meet her! And she even starting following me on Instagram that night! Does this mean we're going to be best friends? Woot!

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