Friday, October 20, 2017

Pinky's Fandance - Andrea Savage

Not too long ago, Keith and I were watching the hilarious film Sleeping with Other People (which, if you haven't seen it, please rectify that immediately) and noticed this force of nature who stole every scene she was in named Andrea Savage. I mean, there's a scene at the end during the credits where they basically just let Andrea and Jason Mantzoukas riff for about ten minutes that was pure comedy gold. We were dying of laughter and must have watched it several times just to try and catch all their rapid fire jokes. 
Wanting to know more about her, I started following Andrea on Twitter and started seeing all these mentions about a TV show called I'm Sorry. I had no idea what that was (since it's on TruTV and that's not typically on my radar), but people seemed to love it, so I decided to check it out. INSTANTLY I was hooked. Like, I couldn't love a show more. 
Keith followed suit and we pretty much both developed a huge girl comedy crush on Andrea Savage. I swore if I ever saw her name on a list, I'd have to try and meet her. On Wednesday night, she was on a panel at a place I'd never been to before. Huge kudos to Keith who didn't feel well and still braved a new location with me to try and meet the queen herself. Had I known we could attend the event, we totally would have, but by the time we realized we could go, it was sold out. So, we hung outside hoping to see her arrive, but the location was a lot more challenging than expected and we figured we'd missed her. Keith had walked over to the car to feed the meter and then she surprisingly showed up so he missed the whole thing. Boo! His dream is to just sit down with her and pick her brain on how she got her show made (hear that, Universe? You can make that happen, right??). Andrea could not have been sweeter. She introduced herself (I love that) and was just as cool as she is onscreen. Love her even more now! Thanks, Andrea! You're awesome! We can't wait for the next season of I'm Sorry. It really is one of the best shows on TV.

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