Saturday, October 7, 2017

Girls Trip - Day Two (Part Two: Shackleford Island)

During the afternoon after paddle boarding, we headed over to Beaufort to catch the ferry to Shackleford Island. That was my probably my favorite part of the trip (aside from just being with the girls). 
This just made me smile.
Double cheese!
I'm on a boat!
Passing the wild horses on another island on our way to Shackleford banks.
The reason people go out to Shackleford Island is for the great shelling. The shells were everywhere! I was in heaven!
Check out my loot!
The skies were gorgeous.
I loved everything about this place.
This looked like a pirate ship to me.
This made me laugh.
So interesting.
Fun in the sun!
We ended the night by having a night Mexican dinner, doing a little shopping, and playing Uno Attack which is my new favorite way to play Uno. So much fun!

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