Monday, September 25, 2017

Salt Lake Comic Con Pre-Con Fun

We had such a great time at Salt Lake Comic Con! Truly one of the best conventions we've ever attended (if not the best!). 
We arrived in Salt Lake City the morning of the convention around 2am. We needed to be at the convention hall by 11am for a press conference.
This was Keith doing interviews after the press conference.
Super cool Lego Wonder Woman!
With our awesome contact, Tiffany Tilton, and Dan Farr, one of the founders of the show (pictured here with his son). Such amazing people!
Keith was gifted with the coolest backpack care package filled with all kinds of treats. It even had his name on it!
How cool is the sign?!?!
With Tiffany and Dan.
Dan and Keith.
Our booth set-up!


  1. Thanks for the Lego love! I am so glad you guys liked my Lego Wonder Woman! #OnceUponABrick #SLCC17

  2. Thank you so much for the Lego love! I am so happy that you guys liked my Lego Wonder Woman! #OnceUponABrick #SLCC17
