Sunday, September 10, 2017

Limelight Premiere Pics

Two years ago, Keith filmed a movie called Limelight where he played an agent named Jim. It was a last minute deal and he was called the night before and asked to start the next morning. Keith jumped at the chance.
On Thursday night we finally got to see the finished result and WOW! Keith totally blew me away. What an incredible job! I'm so very proud of him and how far he was able to go with this.
Every time we see someone involved with the film, they say, "Wait until you see Keith, he kills it." They were SO right! I can't wait to watch his scenes again.
My awesome dad made the long journey down (especially with traffic) to attend the premiere with us. Thanks so much for coming!
This is the director of the film, James Cullen-Bressack.
Hottie on the carpet.
Just a few of the talented members of the film.
This is Paul who wrote and produced the film. It was based on his life!
Keith's name in the credits!
And the closing credits!
Sean and Keith looked like twinners at the afterparty.
Erin played Paul's ex-girlfriend in the film. So great to meet her! Fun night all around.

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