Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Fandom Fest - Day Two (Part Two): Audrey Nethery

Can we just talk about how much I adore Audrey Nethery? I've been watching her super cute dancing videos on YouTube FOREVER, so when I saw when she was going to be at Fandom Fest, I *may* have lost my mind (read: I totally did)
When she first walked by us, I spilled water all over our table because I was so excited. Don't judge me.
But look at her sweet little face! She is the cutest and I love her.
Throughout the day, I took a ridiculous amount of pictures and videos of her dancing. I couldn't help myself. I still can't figure out how to upload videos on my site, so please feel free to check out what I've uploaded to Instagram @pinkylovejoycoogan. This was her dancing with Ross and R2-D2 (as one does). 
In addition to Audrey and her awesome parents, Scott and Julie, we also made some new friends with Elvis (aka Brandon) and his lovely fiancee, Hanna. They even brought us some honey cookies!
Our new besties! The Netherys, Hanna, and Elvis (aka Brandon). 
I borrowed both of these shots from Audrey's page, but they were way too sweet not to share. 
Flash Gordon!
And to top it all off, Audrey and Scott climbed the building with Keith. LOVE it!

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