Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Fandom Fest - Day Two (Part One)

By Day Two of Fandom Fest, we were feeling a lot more organized and ready to face the day (as we'd gotten set up midway through the show on Friday night when we flew in and had people waiting for us while we were setting up, which just made everything feel super rushed and disorganized. Everyone was super patient and nice, but I just felt flustered).  
By the time the convention floor opened at 10am, we were ready to meet the fans!
I thought their cosplay was pretty awesome.
I met BB-8!
Loved this!
Keith met R2-D2!
Epic battle....
Our booth.
This is Peggy. She's the cutest. We loved her.
We met so many really special fans that drove from really long distances to meet Keith. It really meant a lot to us. They even found some super cool things for him to sign!
When in Kentucky, you've gotta meet the Colonel.
More cosplay fun!

Part Two of Day Two up tomorrow....

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