Saturday, August 12, 2017

Date Night in Pasadena

We had an amazing date the other night in Pasadena.
As we already had tickets for Joe Rogan's sold out comedy show, we realized we still had a gift card for The Cheesecake Factory that we've pretty much had forever.
I'm happy to report that we both found out true love meals there. YUM! Probably my best meal there ever.
The service was quick, our meals were delicious, and we were done in plenty of time to still make it to the show. High marks all around!
Oh, and this was our bread - YUM!
Here we are at the comedy club waiting for the doors to open.
Pretty lights!
The line-up was beyond stellar. Every comedian KILLED it that night. I've never seen such a good show.
Thanks for the fun time, my love!

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