Monday, July 24, 2017

Pinky's Fandance - Robert Buckley

Now, while it's true I've usually got a pretty good eye for celebs, I'll admit that finding them at Disneyland isn't my strong suit. Keith and I saw someone last time, but couldn't remember his name...but this time I actually spotted someone I've been dying to meet!
Robert Buckley was on One Tree Hill, Lipstick Jungle, and currently stars on iZombie. But, despite following him on Twitter forever, I still wasn't quite sure it was him standing in front of me. I had to walk around him several times to be sure it was him. I almost eeked out, "Robert," to see if he'd reply, but totally chickened out. Thankfully, I finally found my courage and asked him for a quick picture. Hooray! So stoked to finally meet him!

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