Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Pinky's Fandance - Reese Witherspoon

I love Reese Witherspoon. Always have, always will. Anytime Sweet Home Alabama comes on TV, I'm powerless over not watching it. 
Several years ago, I was at the premiere for her romantic comedy How Do You Know (which also featured one of my faves, Owen Wilson) and she was doing pictures all down the line. For some reason, I was feeling greedy since I'd already gotten pictures with Owen Wilson and Paul Rudd, plus, the fans around me were certified Reese super-fans and all they wanted in the world was a picture with Reese. I didn't want to mess that up for them, so instead of getting a picture with her, I got her to sign a magazine (I have no idea why). Although I felt good about my decision then, in the aftermath I've regretted not getting a picture with her. What was I thinking?!?!
Cut to now and I'm committed to finally getting my picture with Reese. I follow her on Instagram (for hints on where she might be) and she posts a lot (pictures, videos, etc.)- which I love. But it also makes me feel like we're friends - shut up, I know. So, what do I do when I finally get my picture with her? I end up telling her how I love all her Instagram stuff and it makes me feel like we're friends and she's texting me info all the time. Yep, I said that. I'm a huge dork. Still love her though!

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