Monday, July 24, 2017

Girls Day at Disneyland

My sister, Erin, and niece, Phoenix, asked me awhile ago if we could have a girls day at Disneyland this month. Of course I said yes, but it was long before I crashed on my scooter (which meant limited mobility to my left arm) and had a migraine for most of the week.
So, while I didn't want to cancel on them, I also didn't want to get stuck being at the park all day. husband coming along.
To be fair, he's also very helpful at Disneyland and is great about getting fast passes for everyone. I was thrilled to have him with us, since I knew I wasn't going to make it all day and didn't want to slow them down or be a bummer on their trip.
If you ever find yourself in Cars Land and hungry/thirsty, this hits all the spots. YUM! Chili con and pomegranate vodka for the win.
Keith was trying to apologize to Thor for spreading all those rumors about him, but apparently Thor wasn't having it at all.
Cars ride!
Cars Land!
Obligatory entrance shot.
My sister and my niece. Love all the ears!

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