Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Watch This: GLOW

If you have Netflix, then please run, don't walk, to your TV and start binge watching GLOW, the newest series available for release on Netflix. GLOW is about the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling and is a fictional version of how everything came to be.
Now, I'm the first to admit that I don't give one single iota about wrestling. I never cared for it growing up and never understood those who did. In fact, one of my besties used to watch it every Saturday and I HATED it so much.
So, I was rather surprised to discover my love for this show, which is produced by Jenji Kohan and, therefore, destined to be amazing. She can do no wrong in my book! The ten half-hour episodes flew by and before we knew it we'd watched the entire first season. WATCH THIS SHOW! You can thank me later.

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