Monday, June 12, 2017

Really Good Chinese

Keith and I were literally just talking about the fact that we haven't been able to find any really good Chinese food since we moved here. I mean, we've found a few places that were OK, but nothing that we'd crave over and over.
That is, until now. As we were driving to the Hairspray Live FYC event, I spotted this neon sign in a restaurant not too far from the venue we were attending. Intrigued, I joked that we should go there if the event didn't have a good food offering.
Cut to a few hours later and we were STARVING. The only food at the event was cheese and crackers, so we decided to try this Really Good Chinese. We were a little concerned that the place was empty at 9pm on a Friday night, but that only meant better service for us, right?
Now, let's just say the service was....well....less than stellar. But the food was OUT OF THIS WORLD. I mean, it was a damn delight. I was drawn to the place because of the neon signs (I loved that the other one just said "YUM"), but those signs don't even give it the justice it deserves.
This was as much as we could get down before being completely stuffed. Our leftovers tasted even better than the original offering! Will definitely return!

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