Saturday, June 10, 2017

Pinky's Fandance - T.R. Knight

Can I just tell you how THRILLED I was to FINALLY meet TR Knight? George O'Malley himself! I mean, it's no secret that Grey's Anatomy is my very favorite show and T.R. was a HUGE part of that show for the first five years.
And even though the show is now heading into its thirteenth season, I'd somehow never even see T.R. in person. I went to his play once a few years ago, but he snuck out. So, when I heard he'd be in Santa Monica on Thursday night, I knew I had to go, even though it was technically our only free night off this week. Huge kudos to my amazing hubby for going along for the ride even though it ended up being a really long wait. But it was all worth it for this picture! Wahoo!

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