Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Chris & Selyn's Wedding

We spent this weekend on the Central Coast enjoying the wedding of my previous nephew-in-law, Chris, and his lovely new wife, Selyn.
Chris is the nephew of my ex-husband, Robert, who I was married to in the nineties for about five seconds. Still, I've kept in touch with his family and I was touched to be invited to this event.
I was impressed that we made it to the 4pm event with six minutes to spare!
The wedding was held at the Madonna Inn and although I've visited there many times, I'd never attended a wedding held there. It was a beautiful
Of course the silly pics started almost immediately.
I loved all the little handmade touches everywhere.
The groom walking the moms down the aisle.
Nick, brother of the groom.
Mike, father of the groom.
The bride and her dad.
The bride was first escorted by this man. Stepdad maybe? Not sure.
 I loved all the colors!
Sand ceremony.
The happy couple! Congratulations!

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