Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Macy's Grand Opening

I've been watching Eileen Davidson on TV since she was on The Young and the Restless as Ashley years ago. She's amazing. I remember when they tried to replace her with a lookalike and my sister and I were completely enraged at the idea that she could ever be replaced. 
As I follow her on Twitter, I was stoked to see her post this tweet the other day, but wasn't sure how it all worked. Would there be a charge to meet her? Did I have to buy something?
I was totally torn as to whether or not I should even go, but since I didn't have anything going on until later in the day, I took a shot. I'm SO glad I did!
Not only did I finally get to meet Eileen, but she even signed an extra autograph for my friend Jimmy and his new hubby Dainey (they're big fans of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills which Eileen is also on). Score!

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