Friday, April 21, 2017

I Love Dick FYC Panel

We had the amazing opportunity to attend the Amazon FYC panel for their new show I Love Dick the other night. 
Going into it, we had no idea what to expect and were happily surprised at how much we enjoyed the show. They screened two episodes plus a bunch of clips and now we can't wait to see the rest of the season!
I loved this shot of Kathryn and Kevin. They were also at Sundance premiering this show and Keith and I have the hats to prove it. At the time, we assumed the show is about Kevin, which it is, but mainly it's about Kathryn, which I LOVE. She has been the comic relief/best friend/standout in shows for SO long. It's about time someone gave her the proper platform to shine.
How cute are Kevin and his daughter?
Overall view of the panel. This was held at the Hollywood Athletic Club and the chairs were really uncomfortable. That was the only downfall. Otherwise, it was a really neat location and the reception was awesome.
For the reception, they had us leave the building and enter a different way (which was a little odd, but then it totally paid off). In the venue, each room was a scene from one of their shows. How cool is that?! This was from I Love Dick and I love all the details.
Apparently, Amazon must have rented out the space for a few weeks and are having different events every night. Each room was a different show. So neat!
Super stoked we took a chance and went to this after initially thinking we wouldn't be able to make it. I love pleasant surprises like that!

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