Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Happy Gotcha Day!

Six years ago this week, I saw this post on Facebook put up by my friend Sharon.
Although the post had almost 20 comments, instead of posting a comment, I sent a direct message to Sharon and let her know I was really interested in the dog. A few days later, she said I could come and pick him up.

The funny thing was, I wasn't a dog person. In fact, I pretty much hated dogs for most of my life.
But one look at this adorable face and I was hopelessly in love.
Sammy is the light of our lives, the center of our world, and our sweet little guy.
He was with me when I first met Keith and walked down the aisle at our wedding.
Today also happens to be our 3 1/2 year wedding it was always fated as Sammy's Gotcha Day was a great day indeed! Love you so much, my little bug.

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