Thursday, April 6, 2017

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend FYC Event

The FYC (For Your Consideration) panel for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend last night was a ton of fun.
As we were waiting to go in, there were some, um, questionable statues. Poor Oprah Winfrey. She deserves better.
Surprisingly, this is not Gene Wilder. It's supposed (I use that term loosely) to be Sid Caesar. Um....OK?
We were actually standing right outside the glass window when this was being taken, so it's like we were there! :) LOL.
Normally the FYC events show an episode of the show and then have a Q&A. Since this is a musical show, instead of the traditional presentation, they performed EIGHT live songs and had discussions about each one. It was awesome. I took tons of video, but never figure out how to share it here (duh).
Afterwards there was a reception where the cast mingled with everyone and we, of course, had to be the silly goofballs we are.
I loved how Keith posed with the girl and I posed with the boys. We're dorks!

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