Tuesday, April 11, 2017

American Housewife FYC Event

As you probably already know, American Housewife is one of our favorite new shows this season. It cracks us up! So I was BEYOND excited for their FYC event, especially since it was being held at Lucky Strike bowling and we could bring two more guests!
We arrived way too early to be sure we got in.
I'm not sorry. I couldn't wait!
Of course, we had to pose with the signs.
Yes, I love the show so much I took a picture of the napkins. Sue me.
The only bummer was that the youngest child on the show, Anna-Kat (played by Julia Butters), wasn't there. Boo! Ali Wong would have been a welcome surprise, as well, but she's doing a comedy tour right now, so I totally understand.
The Q&A was...interesting. Huge props to George Pennachio for trying to keep it together, but that environment wasn't really conducive to being able to hear much. I did love hearing them speak about the show, though!
Our new friends Analise and Josh were our guests. We had a blast!
This was the shot that ABC Publicity decided to run with.
We were also joined on our lane by Christian and his dad, James. Super fun time had by all.
Diedrich Bader is the coolest. He went up and down the lanes bowling with people. I loved it!
We also saw our friends Mikey and Big Mike there.
The only thing I forgot to take a picture of was the cool bags they passed out at the end. Score! When I got home, I noticed I made the ABC Publicity photos!
Not once, but twice! Such a great night and I'm so happy to have been able to attend.

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