Thursday, March 16, 2017

This Is Us Finale Event

The other night all my dreams came true. While waiting outside to meet some of the stars from This Is Us, a lady approached us and asked if we would like to attend the finale screening. Um, YES! How fast can I get in there?!?!
I felt like I'd won the Golden Ticket! So, it only made sense that the wristband for the event was actually golden. Love it! On our way into the theater, they passed out tissues to everyone which I thought was hysterical and perfect.
After the heart-wrenching finale, the cast came onstage for a lively Q&A. I loved seeing everyone in one place - William was alive! Jack was alive while his kids were older! It was magical.
After the screening, the cast gathered together for a group shot. I will freely admit that I had nothing to do with this shot - I grabbed it from Twitter because I loved seeing everyone together. 
While waiting at the reception for the stars to mingle, I noticed that Santa Claus was also a fan of the show.
Of course I had to grab a shot on the carpet - how could I resist!?! I'll be sharing my pictures over the next few weeks on my daily Pinky's Fandance, otherwise you'd see tons more pics on this post! I got to meet EVERYONE from the show!!! Pinch me!

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