Tuesday, March 28, 2017

R.I.P. Dr. Pak

From second grade until probably high school (at least the middle of junior high), my best friend in the entire world was named Michelle. She lived down the street from me and we were pretty much inseparable.
Here's a picture of us in sixth grade - it was Halloween and we were way too cool to dress up. Not too cool to get candy, of course, but definitely too cool for costumes. :)
Michelle's dad passed away suddenly last week and it never even occurred to me to miss the funeral, despite the fact that we'd just been to a funeral a few days before.
I spent countless hours and nights at her house growing up, so paying respects to her father was the least we could do.
It was a lovely service and despite the unfortunate circumstances, I really enjoyed seeing Michelle's family again. These are her sisters - Margaret (Wigga), Sandy, Michelle, and Suzy. I'm so glad we were able to attend. He was a great man and will definitely be missed. All the love in the world going out to his family.

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