Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Family Fun

We headed down to my brother Jay's neck of the woods this weekend to see Ava's soccer game and James' t-ball game. Jay coached both teams and did a great job!
I was trying to get some action shots of him on the field, but didn't do especially well.
I did like how he matched the girls' uniforms, though.
Our youngest nephew, Andrew, thinks he's on both teams. He's the funniest little two-year-old!
Group shot!
O wanted in on the action.
The birthday girl - she even scored a goal with her left foot!
Adorbs. Makes my uterus hurt. :)
So cute. Stopped for a quick lunch between games.
Now, the real thrill was seeing Andrew changed into his uniform for his baseball game.
Watching him bat at the end of the line was too cute for words. He's so tiny! Super fun day with my brother's fam.

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