Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Exploring Redlands

Keith had a gig in Redlands this past weekend and we had no idea how long it was going to take us to get down there on a Friday night.
After checking with some guys at work, they suggested we leave around noon lest we get stuck in the world's worst traffic. I'm so glad we did!
We were supposed to be at dinner at 4:30 with the group - because we left so early, we got into town around two. No worries! We just did some sightseeing in the adorable little town. We loved it!
Sammy enjoyed it, too, although it was pretty hot outside.
Everyone else in our group left way later than us and got stuck in horrible traffic. I think we left just in time!
The town seemed to really like oranges (although, to be fair, it was Orange St.).  
This sign made me chuckle.
Cutie patooties!
Me and my boo.

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