Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Coyote Keith

The comedy show Keith performed in last weekend was called the "Coyotes of Comedy" and it was a lot of fun.
I snapped this shot when we were trying to decide which look would be best for the stage. It was between this one, an Adventures in Babysitting shirt, or the green polo featured in other shots. I definitely think we made the right choice.
After Keith's set, these guys came and asked if they could buy him a beer. Of course they could!
I love this shot of Keith onstage. I was busy with Sammy and didn't take any of my own, since I was also trying to film the set. Sadly, the camera didn't work on the first attempt and I only was able to record the second half of Keith's set. No matter. It was a huge crowd!
After the show, there was a sad little table set up for merchandise. I wish it had been a lot closer to where people walked out of the venue. We made one sale! All in all, we had a super fun time. I'm so happy Sammy was able to come with us and that we met so many cool people.

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