Wednesday, March 22, 2017

2nd Annual Young Entertainer Awards

We had a great time attending the Young Entertainer Awards at Universal Studios this past weekend.
Keith is currently a board member for the organization and was asked to present the award for Best Voiceover.
I tried to get an action shot of him presenting the award.
Cheesing out during the show.
Our table mates, half the cast of California Dreams.
As they presented their award, I snapped a few quick shots of them, as well. Their faces were hysterical.
 This little cutie asked for a picture with Keith as we were leaving. I loved her dress!
All in all, the event went off without a hitch. Kudos to these superstars right here - Alexander did an amazing job as the announcer and Ali put the whole thing together. She did incredible! Well done everyone. Great event.

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