Wednesday, February 1, 2017

R.I.P. Pat

My really good friend Judy's mom, Pat, passed away earlier this month and yesterday a wake was held in her honor in our hometown. Thankfully, we were able to attend.
Now, not only did I grow up in a fairly small town, but our group of friends was super tight. We still are. But we weren't only tight with each other, we all knew each other's families. So, this loss was hard. The first one of my friends to lose their mom. Pat was awesome - such a funny lady. This was us back when my BFF Lanette got married - feels like yesterday!
The wake was held at their local country club and it was a beautiful day and even better people.
These were the parents of one of our classmates who couldn't be there.
Geraldine! My cheerleading advisor and still very good friend.
While this isn't the best picture, it does have a majority of the people who were there.
This is my friend Lynn who I've known since Junior High.
My girls. We were all cheerleaders together back in high school.
As Keith was taking all the pictures, when we got to the car I realized we hadn't taken any together. Here's our attempt at a cute shot. So glad we were able to go and support our friends in their time of grief.

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