Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Disneyland Birthday

We spent the weekend at Disneyland for Keith's birthday and had an awesome time.
I thought this shot of him carrying our stuff to the car was adorable.
Per usual, I got him a bunch of Star Wars stuff. I think he was a fan! :)
This warm coat is going to help him at Sundance for sure!
Keith was stoked on the cute buttons we got from this sweet cast member.
Obligatory shot!
We did a character meet and greet with Darth Vader and this shot cracked me up.
He doesn't really pose "with" us...but I love it all the same.
Night-time Castle!
Our big adventure was having dinner at the Blue Bayou. Delicious!
This was my steak...so awesome.
The birthday boy with his treasure!
 Happy birthday, babe! I love you!

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