Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Why, Yes, This IS The Han Solo Jacket....

In case you didn't know, the "traditional" gift for a 3rd year wedding anniversary is leather. As such, I felt that I finally needed to cave and surprise Keith with the leather jacket like Han Solo wore in The Force Awakens.  
When the film first came out, he wanted the Poe Dameron jacket, but the versions of it online look cheap and tacky. I loved how the Han Solo jacket looked. The only problem was that the lame retailer I bought it from on eBay lied about it being in the US, lied about it being shipped, and lied about being a good retailer. Needless to say, the jacket didn't arrive in time for the big day.
Thankfully, I was able to have DHL hold it and we picked it up when we got back. The top picture is the first time he put it on. Do you think he was excited?!
Suffice it to say he loves it! :) I've caught him a few times wearing the jacket whilst looking in the mirror and saying, "Why, yes, this IS the Han Solo jacket." Every time I'm like, "Who's asking you that question?!?!" It cracks me up. I love how much he loves it. Almost as much as I love him (well, not really....that's an immeasurable amount). :)

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