Saturday, November 19, 2016

Thanks Ever So

Huge eternal thanks going out to a few people at the convention this weekend (aside from all the great volunteers who kept things running).
First and foremost, we couldn't have done anything without Melanie. She picked us up, drove us around, brought us coffee, took us out to dinner, helped with luggage, watched our table, and a myriad of other things. She's an amazing friend and we're so lucky to have her on our side. 
Assisting Melanie was Brandy, her 21 year old daughter seen here with Keith.
Thanks to both of you for everything!
Mel loves the Bachelor, so I was trying to sneak in this pic. I love it! Pretend it's not blurry.
I had to snap a picture with both Melanie and Wigga (also known as Margaret) who grew up in our neighborhood and now lives in Chicago. Her older sister Michelle was my BFF when we were little and it was so much fun to see her. Both these girls also gifted us with pizzas and Garrett's popcorn. Yum!
All Wigga wanted was a picture with me and Keith. It was her very first convention and it was fun showing her who everyone was.
Tony is our new friend we'd met in Palm Springs and we love him.
This guy is representative of our friend Frank who was the photographer. I don't have any pics with him yet because he took all the pics, but once I get them I'll post them for sure. Thanks again everyone! :) We love you!

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