Saturday, November 19, 2016

Strange Things

OK, OK, I swear this is the end of the Rewind Con wrap ups (for now), but I couldn't end without mentioning a few final things:
Um, guys, I had FANS! I have no idea how, but these guys from the Netherlands said they've been following me for years and wanted to get pictures with me. Say what?!?! I happily took individual selfies with each one of them and then, of course, had to take my own shot (just to document something so crazy). Thanks for making my day!
And it wasn't just them! Check out these rave reviews from fangirls after the show! :) 
We're a hit! Keith was angling for "Fest Fave" - although, in truth, he's always just as friendly. Love him.
Our final trippy experience came at the airport as we were boarding. Due to the craziness of the weekend, I completely forgot to "check in" to our Southwest flight (which meant we'd have crappy seats that weren't even together coming home). That is, until the super friendly Southwest agent came up with an idea. She asked if I needed an extra seat due to my size (always mortifying, since I'm always afraid they're going to say I don't fit even though I do). She then said Southwest offers a complimentary extra seat to "customers of size" (ugh, that term) and said we'd get to pre-board and basically have a whole row to ourselves. I started crying (of course), but she said to be strong, she knew who we were, and anyone who could rock pink hair and wear a pink wedding dress was totally confident (how did she know about my wedding dress?!!?). Of course we took the extra seat - Keith had an audition to get to (although we tried to give up the extra seat once there because we didn't want anyone to not make the flight). Oh, yeah - guess what the agent's name was? KARMA.

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