Monday, November 21, 2016

Pinky's Fandance - Jeremy & Jason London

As someone who LOVED Party of Five, I've been wanting to meet Jeremy London (who played Griffin on the show) for the longest time. In fact, I thought I'd met him. Three different times. Turns out, I'd met his twin brother Jason. Three times in a row. D'oh!
So, I was beyond stoked to find out that both brothers would be at Rewind Con. Score!
Keith had worked with one of them before and was friends with both, so it was awesome to get to know them and hang out a bit during the course of the weekend.
Plus, who could resist a chance to have a London Brothers sandwich?!?! NOT me!
I think I can even tell them apart now. Hooray!
We had a great time with them and I'm so happy to have been able to spend time with them. Super cool guys. They even showed us their latest short film called, "Monsters Anonymous" which is really great. Check it out if you can!

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