Tuesday, October 4, 2016

In Loving Memory

This weekend I found out that the younger sister of one of my high school friends had unexpectedly passed away in her sleep. She was a lot younger than us and I remember spending a lot of time at their house over the years. In college I'd always stop by and visit them and his sister would draw me pictures and send me little letters. She was adorable. I can't believe she's gone. Her brother, who was the one my age, has now lost his mom, his step-dad, and his only sister. Heartbreaking.
This morning I found out that another friend's dad passed away from heart failure. When I saw his name listed with the obituaries, I was hoping upon home that it was another person with the same name, but, alas, it was not. He and his wife were one of those couples who were always joined at the hip and super happy. I'm so sad for her loss. She was writing me about it this morning and said to cherish your loved ones because you never know what might happen. I know people say that all the time, but these deaths are hitting a little close to home. My heart is very full and sad right now.

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