Monday, August 15, 2016

Street Food Cinema's Screening of Sixteen Candles

We had the best time at Street Food Cinema's screening of Sixteen Candles!
I took this picture when we first got there and here's the best part about it - due to my cracked iPhone screen (which has since been repaired, thank goodness), I had no idea her hair was in Keith's face. Oops. I can see it now!
Our tables were right next to each other, which made it really fun. Here are Keith and Liane doing some promo shots.
Some behind-the-scenes action shots!
I love this shot from the Q&A.
My fave part of Sixteen Candles. By the way, the film totally holds up. Jake Ryan, I love you forever.
Our friends Tracy, Paul, and Josie were able to join us. So happy they could come!
Another great shot! Special thanks to Street Food Cinema for having us out and having Keith host. We had a blast!

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