Sunday, July 31, 2016

Duran Duran at the Mid-State Fair

Back in February I bought tickets to see Duran Duran at the Mid-State Fair, which is fairly close (less than an hour away) to my home town of Santa Maria.
Despite seeing the show several times already, I wanted to experience it with my BFF, Lanette, and Keith (after we had such a hard time seeing anything during the Hollywood Bowl). 
As I'd previously mentioned, after our neverending drive, we finally arrived with time to spare. We even had time to pose with the Duran Duran sign!
This was when we arrived. But, I'll be honest - I didn't want to go. Nick Rhodes left the tour three weeks ago for a "family emergency" and I really didn't want to make that trek when my fave member of the band wouldn't even be there. I almost cancelled, but the tickets were in my name and I needed to go.
Long story short, I'm SO glad we went! As soon as we got through the gates, we started seeing people we knew. This is my friend Little Chris who I've known for pretty much ever.
This is Anna, who I went to grade school with.
These are a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a million years. They either went to different schools, were in different grades, or just haven't I been around them lately.
I was SO excited to see them all! About four or five songs in, they came to our row and pulled us out. For the remainder of the show we stayed together in this little section dancing and catching up. It was the best. From left to right: Stacy, Erin, Lanette, me, Jen, Lisa, Katie, and Paula.
The show itself was awesome, of course, but still missing my true love, Nick.
More group shots! From left to right: Lisa, Lanette, Jen, me, Stacy, and Erin.
After the show was over, we saw even more people! This is Cherise, along with Stacy and Lanette.
I even ran into my old friend Josh and his family. So cool! Overall it was an incredible night and I'm so glad we made the trek after all.

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