Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day!

When it comes to dads, I totally scored in that department. 
My dad is awesome and I love that he once rocked these amazing jeans. Ha!
It's so neat to live so close to him and be able to share holidays and really just every day events. Even if I'm just having a bad day, I can call him up and he'll meet me for dinner.
He's not big on pictures, but I can usually eek out a few during special occasions.
Happy Father's Day, Dad! We love you! He's also a great doggie grandpa. Sammy adores him and loves to hang out with him when we're away.
Speaking of good dog dads, I'd be remiss if I didn't give a shout out to my awesome hubby, Keith, who is the best doggie dad around.
Come on. Have you ever seen anything sweeter? Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there and huge thanks to those in my life. Love you!

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