Thursday, June 2, 2016

Christian Ganiere

Last night at the FYC event for The Wiz, we came across the adorable Christian Garniere.
If you've seen a lot of commercials, as we have, you'll definitely know who he is. Right now he's on a Subaru commercial where the dad throws him some keys and he proceeds to have an "adult adventure" complete with a traffic ticket, grocery bag breaking, a parking ticket, and being stuck in traffic.
It's our favorite commercial and we love every second of it.
There are some versions longer than the others, but we prefer the longer version. He's so perfectly cast in the role! When he says, "You're killing me," I crack up!
Although we'd started taking pictures with our camera, I switched to the iPhone because I couldn't wait for the next day (when I could get my pictures off my camera) to post the picture to social media.
Even cooler? After we completely geeked out over him (trust me, it was embarrassing - we both went totally nuts over him), Christian's dad handed me this cute card that has a picture of Christian on the front and all of his social media contact information on the back. Talk about savvy marketing!
Armed with all his social media information, I promptly posted our picture on Instagram and Twitter. He replied!
How awesome is that?
And then this morning I see that Christian posted our picture on HIS instagram page! So cool!
Thanks, Christian! It was a pleasure!

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