Friday, May 13, 2016

Happy Birthday To Me...

Today is my birthday! I am very old. So old, in fact, that I should avoid all candles for fear of burning the place down.
I've always been super into birthdays - especially my own - but I also get super sad around my annual trip around the sun. Regrets? Years passing by? Goals not achieved? I don't know, but the birthday sads have already set in. 
We took this picture three years ago for my 40th birthday - doesn't Keith look so adorbs in that hat? I love it.
In honor of the Big Day, I'll be offline for the rest of our super busy weekend.
Not only do we have a mini-holiday trip planned, we're also going to a BBQ and a wedding.
Phew! I'm tired just thinking of it all.
Of course, there's another big part of me that just wants to hide under the covers and not celebrate at all....but that should pass, right? Happy Birthday to me! :)

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