Thursday, May 5, 2016

Duran Duran at the Belasco Theater

Last week I unexpectedly scored a ticket to see Duran Duran at the Belasco theater in LA. The surprise concert had just been announced and tickets sold out in five minutes. Initially I didn't get a ticket and was super bummed, so as soon as I saw that my friend had an extra, I jumped at the chance.
Actually, that's not entirely true. My DD loving heart jumped at the chance, but my practical mind said I shouldn't spend the money. My supportive and loving husband is the one who convinced me I had to go and I'm so glad he did! I had a blast!
When I arrived at the venue, I saw a ton of my fellow Duranie friends camped out for spots. As I didn't care as much about standing close inside (and would prefer getting a picture with Nick), I waited at the stage door.
It took a bit longer than expected, but as I showed you the other day (hey, I can never show off this picture enough), I was able to get a new picture with Nick. Hooray! I probably should have stayed to see the rest of the guys arrive, but they had started letting everyone inside and I wanted to get a seat, if at all possible.
The theater was super small and intimate. There really wasn't a bad seat in the house. Actually, there were hardly any seats in the house, but I did manage to score one to the right of the stage.
It was perfect! I could see Nick perfectly, which is really all I need.
My friend Nicole took this shot and I love it. I tried from my spot, but Nick looks all washed out.
Here I was rocking my $10 t-shirt that I'd bought on the street before the show.
Tried to get a better pic of Nick, but it's a tiny bit blurry.
Loved all they did with the projection behind them. SO cool.
Halfway through the show I realized my t-shirt was on inside out. Oops. Here it is the right way.
Some of these are my crummy shots and some were posted by the band itself. This, obviously, was not one of mine.
I do like this view, though!
 At the end of the show, the band did a beautiful tribute to Prince, which I loved.
This is the fun couple I sat next to - they were a lot of fun!
And these are my fellow Duranie friends. Loved seeing them and bonding over our fave guys. So happy I went!
Behold, their amazing set list. Great show!!!

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