Friday, May 20, 2016

Birthday Gifts

To say I was spoiled this year on my birthday was an understatement. I forget that as I get older, the quality of gifts seems to get better and better (and I still need to take a picture of the beautiful necklace Keith got me). 
To go along with my pink power tool, this is the card I got from work. Look at all those signatures! So cool!
My dear friend Ginster sent this fun stuff - isn't the bag the cutest?!?!
My awesome friend Angie sent me this cool mug and the camera case for the Hello Kitty camera I bought myself with the money I got from my parents (thanks, guys!). 
The amazing Crusty sent me this gift card for our fave Shmolive Garden (yes, that's how we say it). 
The lovely Lindsay sent me these adorable flamingo glasses and cool card.
My BFF sent me this cute card and a yummy treat to The Cheesecake Factory (which she also sent on Christmas that we haven't used - now we have two!). 
I love gift cards!
My super cool friends in Houston sent me a card (which was really cute, but I left at home when I was taking these pictures) and this gift card along with a little cash. So sweet of them!
Of course I had to make a little collage to commemorate all the fun stuff! Thank you everyone! I love it!

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