Tuesday, May 31, 2016


While it's true that Keith and I are known to have a lot of fun and go on a ton of adventures, this weekend wasn't one of them. That is, unless a pile of neverending clothes and cleaning is your idea of fun (trust me, it's not ours). 
In order to attack the various rooms of the house for cleaning, we broke it down to what should happen on what day. Now, we didn't exactly follow the schedule, nor did we get everything accomplished that we'd set out to do. But, you know what? It's a lot better than it was. Plus, we found so many clothes that we haven't seen in years! That in itself made everything worth it.
This picture makes me laugh. Can you find Sammy? Special shoutout to Keith for his patience with my schedule this weekend. I know it wasn't fun. I know it sucked. But, I appreciate your help with everything. You rock!

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