Although I could do without the heels and height of these shoes, there's no denying that they are INCREDIBLE and need to be mine immediately.

Pinky's Fandance Flashback - Brie Larson

Huge congratulations to Brie Larson on winning the Academy Award for Best Actress last night. Very well deserved indeed!
I've had the pleasure of meeting Brie on several occasions and she was always a total sweetheart. Love her!

Congratulations, Leo!!!

I'm not sure I've ever wanted someone to win an Oscar as I wanted Leo to win last night. The category just couldn't get here soon enough for me - I was constantly yelling at the screen to hurry up!
When he finally won, Keith and I both cheered. Hooray! I'm so happy for his much deserved win. Bummed about Stallone, but, oh well. Congrats, Leo!

Celebrity Wrap Up - Wednesday Edition

Hello and welcome to Wednesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
I LOVED this dress on Naomi. She looks like a million bucks.
This dress, however, was a bit whack-a-do.
This might be the best she has ever looked.
Is she wearing a tablecloth? Doily? Lace? Whatever it is, NO. Go home and change.
This was magnificent.

Happy 30th Anniversary, Pretty in Pink!

Exactly 30 years ago today, February 28, 1986, one of my all-time favorite movies was released into theaters. Pretty in Pink, I love you so.
Of course I saw it in the theaters and have owned it ever since - first on VHS, now on DVD. When movies turn onto something else, I'll own it that way, too. I love it! Street Food Cinema is playing it next month and I CANNOT WAIT!!! Seeing it on the big screen again?!?! SCORE!

Pinky's Fandance - David Spade

As everyone knows, I love me some David Spade. I think he's hysterical and will never turn down the opportunity to get a picture with him (despite the fact that we have a billion now). 
The problem, though, is that his eyes aren't great and my flash is very bright and every time we take a picture, I pretty much blind him. It sucks. I feel terrible. Next time I'm going to have to try with my phone so that it doesn't happen again.

His book is great, though. Check it out!

Happy Oscars Day!

I'm feigning happiness right now, because I don't really care that it's the Oscars. Actually, I don't really care about much right now, so I guess this is just another thing that doesn't float my boat. Of course I'll watch them, though. Hello.
The only thing I'm really rooting for is that Leo finally wins his Best Actor award. Other than that, I'm not invested at all. Good luck to everyone out there (as I'm sure they all read my words religiously - ha!). 

Celebrity Wrap Up - Tuesday Edition

Hello and welcome to Tuesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Does she know that she's going to a luncheon and not a concert?
I don't know if she'd be nice. I've never met her before. Nice advertising for the Ellen show, though.
Is she wearing curtains?
Well, the dress is cute.

Rent This: The Intern

I love being surprised by movies. I had no idea what this film would be like. In fact, I don't remember even wanting to really see it, but since it was at Redbox we decided to take a chance.
I'm so glad we did! The Intern is a really cute film about an overworked company leader (Hathaway) and her new intern (DeNiro). Their friendship is the heart of this story, which may not have too much of a plot, but still leaves you warm and fuzzy after. I enjoyed it far more than I ever thought I would. Check it out if you get a chance!

Pinky's Fandance - Kiersey Clemons

Kiersey Clemons is adorable in person. I loved her.
Most recently she was on the movie Dope and did an incredible job. Can't wait to see what she does next!

Skip This

I thought this new pizza from Pizza Hut looked amazing. We were so excited to try it.
Unfortunately, it looks A LOT better than it tastes. The bummer was that since all of the stores near us were sold out, we had to drive kinda far to even get it - so for it to then be awful was even more of a let down. Next time I'm sticking with my stuffed crust pizza. Can't go wrong with that!

Celebrity Wrap Up - Monday Edition

Hello and welcome to Monday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Got to go. Looks like McDreamy's got some prezzies for me. :) (HA! I wish).
Why is she blonde?
She looks tired.
Nope. At least her hair isn't as crazy as usual.
Why, hello there, Eddie! You look dashing, young chap.

Pinky's Fandance - Paul Rust

I can't wait to start watching Netflix's Love show by Judd Apatow. I've only heard great things, plus I pretty much love almost everything Judd's ever had a hand in.
Paul Rust is one of the big stars of the show and was very sweet to come over and take a picture with me at a recent party. Super cool guy!


This picture makes me laugh - Keith photobombing Claudia Wells during a recent show.
She had no idea!

Celebrity Wrap Up - Sunday Edition

Hello and welcome to Saturday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
This is never OK in public.
She's such a ray of light compared to her sisters' dark outfits.
She looks amazing.
This dress is everything.