Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Starry Starry Night

For one of Keith's birthday presents, he wanted to paint Starry Starry Night at Pinot's Palette. We'd gone once before and loved it and this time was no exception. In fact, it was almost better because they made us feel really special.
I'm so glad I let them know it was Keith's birthday because they gave him a gift certificate to come back, a cool painted wine bottle, and a free drink (peach Moscato - YUM!!!).
I love their logo - so clever!
Here we are at the start of the class...
The "before" look of our canvases.
These were my own special colors - so cool!
These are the boring colors everyone got.
Keith with his yummy birthday drink. Delish!
Painting away...
The artist.
The finished product!
Showing off our skills.
Can't wait to hang these masterpieces in our home!

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