Sunday, January 31, 2016

Pinky's Fandance - Ron Livingston

Although I'd met Ron Livingston before, it wasn't a pleasant experience. For whatever reason, he was shooting us down left and right at Sundance several years ago. It practically turned into a game of how much we could get him to shoot us down since it happened so much. Eventually he caved and did it, but it was begrudging and not fun. I don't even think the picture is cute.
What a difference some time makes. Last night Ron happened to be at the same screening we were at and he could not have been nicer! He even laughed when I started quoting his famous Sex and the City line to him, "I can't. I'm sorry. Don't hate me." Of course, others might quote Office Space, but I loved him as Berger! So happy we had the chance for a re-do!

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