Wednesday, December 2, 2015

See This: Creed

OK, I'll be honest: Having just been to see a few movies which underwhelmed me, I wasn't really looking forward to the new movie in the Rocky series, Creed. It seemed like yet another film I was going to fall asleep in.
But I've gotta say, I LOVED it. The film did a great job of honoring its Rocky roots while still being fresh and new. Michael B. Jordan was great as Adonis "Donny" Creed, but it was Sylvester Stallone who really stood out.
For so long he's seemed like a caricature of himself, that it's hard to recall there's actually a pretty good actor hiding deep down in there.
This was the role Sylvester was born to play and I was all in for the entire movie. I laughed, I cried, I rooted for Donny and Rocky. It was an emotional sucker punch and I loved every minute of it. I was reminded of how much I used to love the original Rocky movies (before they got ridiculous). I couldn't recommend this film more highly - go see it!

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