Friday, December 11, 2015

Pinky's Fandance - Anthony Rapp

It was SO amazing to finally meet the incredibly talented Anthony Rapp. As you probably know, Anthony played Daryl, the best friend to Keith's Brad on Adventures in Babysitting, so I've heard stories about him forever. Finally, we had the chance to meet!
We were hoping to surprise him after the show at the stage door, but then they had some VIP party going on inside. Thankfully, one of the co-stars from the play came out where we were (amongst a throng of people) and I was able to send a message with him to tell Anthony we were waiting out there. And, hooray! It totally worked. Not five minutes later, Anthony came out and brought us backstage. How awesome, right?!
He could not have been sweeter. I loved seeing Keith and Anthony together catching up on old times.
Of course I went a bit picture crazy. Oops. It happens.
What an experience! Something I'll never forget. Thank you, Anthony, for being such a class act. I'll never forget your kindness and hope we get to see you again soon!

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